How can I stay motivated this winter?

Consider this.

Exercising in winter provides more benefit than exercise during the rest of the year because it specifically addresses the needs of our body during the colder winter months. Plus colder temperatures can actually help us get more out of our training because we’re asking our body to work harder!

Developing an exercise routine during winter can be the key to turning over a new leaf and improving your outlook on life.

Some of the many benefits include:

Burning more calories

Putting your body under greater physical strain forces it to burn more calories. This also leads to strengthening your cardiovascular system.

Developing greater endurance

You’ll notice how much harder your lungs need to work and that hard work pays off by increasing your endurance.

Experience more lift

Exercise is a proven natural way to lift our mood as it produces endorphins which in turn can trigger the release of serotonin and dopamine, the ‘happy chemicals’ that regulate our mood.

The Benefits of Group Fitness

Now consider the added benefits you gain from training with a group, such as STRONGCorps, full of like-minded people including:


You’re challenged to go beyond your perceived limitations because of those around you. You are likely to work out harder, than you would on your own, as everyone is exercising toward a common goal.


Whether due to fitness-related goals or the personal relationships you build along the way, it is a win-win scenario, both physically and your state of mental health.

Accountability and Support

It’s an amazing feeling as a Coach to see people do things they never thought they could until it took the person next to them to encourage them to complete that set, rep, the mile or session. There’s a bond that is created when the team struggles, sweats and grinds their way through a tough workout. When we work out with other people we can gain a sense of camaraderie, because everyone is there for the same purpose. The people you see each week at training eventually become like family and look forward to seeing you back at each session.

When that alarm goes off or you look outside at the weather and you think “…it’s too cold. I’m going to skip today.”

Instead, think of how much your teammates could benefit from you being there and the difference you’ll make when they’re dragging themselves through another tough session.

Those high fives and pats on the back for completing sets, surviving those calls to do one more rep, or to push to past the finish line, creates an amazingly positive environment. It also triggers the release of the ‘happy chemicals’ that regulate our mood and make us feel good.


You could be the reason someone else gets uplifted and encouraged to be better.

Yes, it’s harder to get out there in the dark and the cold but the benefits far outweigh the discomfort.

Ultimately, you’re doing this to be a better version of yourself, to lose the weight and to get fit. But you could also be the reason someone else sticks with their training and starts going beyond their impossible.